Will lifting your truck 6" kill your warranty? MSA has you covered.

We've worked hard to establish ourselves in the field as innovators and installers.  We've worked closely with distributors and manufacturers to bring you, our current and potential clients, the best the industry has to offer.

ProComp adds MSA as an authorized installer.  Lift Shield Warranty in full effect.
Within the last few years, we have sold and installed many lifts.  We sell 6-10 kits a month (installed or parts only) and has been accepted as an authorized Pro Comp Lift Shield installer.  What does that mean for you?

Pro Comp began their campaign a few years back to gain a no questions asked, loyal customer base.  The "Lift Shield" warranty was then developed.  In a nutshell, ProComp offers this warranty to any client that purchases and has their product installed at the authorized location.  ProComp carries this warranty in much the same way an extended vehicle warranty would cover.  It covers not just any of ProComp's components, but also any related factory components less a $100 deductible.  How amazing is that?!

- Bryan Lin | CEO, The Motorsports Authority, Inc. | www.MSAStore.com